Monday, 30 March 2015

Differences between Transport layer and Datalink layer

By vm  |  22:31 No comments

Transport layer works on OSI reference layer 4 and data link on layer2.
Transport layer is used to communicate between 2 different processes on internet. They identify the processes based on the port number. But data link layer operates on very lower layer and used to communicate between 2 different machines. They uses mac addresses to communicate.

Both protocols required to establish a connection between 2 processes on internet. First data link layer will establish a connection to a remote machine. Once the connection is successful i.e if 2 hosts are able to communicate then process level communication will be achieved by transport layer. Essesntially data link layer will understand the mac address of remote machine, but transport layer will understand the port number of remote machine.

Note: Actullay internet layer(IP layer) will be used to establish a connection, I used above to understand the difference between mentioned protocols better.

Author: vm

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