Here is a complete install guide. Please let me know if this solves your problem. Asterisk also provide a wiki post on the matter
Install SRTP:
cd ~
git clone
cd libsrtp/
./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/usr
make runtest
sudo make install
cd ~
git clone pjproject
cd pjproject/
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr --with-external-srtp
sudo make install
Install UUID Development Library (not required for Asterisk 12) :
cd ~
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev -y (for Debian & ubuntu, libuuid-devel for CentOS)
Install Asterisk 11 :
cd ~
tar -xzf asterisk-11-current.tar.gz
Generate and install DTLS certificates for SRTP :
cd asterisk*/contrib/scripts
sudo mkdir /etc/asterisk/
sudo mkdir /etc/asterisk/keys/
To generate a self-signed SSL certificate, use the following command :
### Replace 10.x.x.x by the IP adress of your server. 10.x.x.x is intern, use a public IP if your Asterisk will be exposed over Internet.
sudo ./ast_tls_cert -C 10.x.x.x -O "Your Company" -d /etc/asterisk/keys
During this process, you will be asked to choose a key. Type in the same key every time and valid by pressing
If you will generate you SSL Certificate from a Certification Authority, use the following methods :
The certificate path in this example is
Install Asterisk (Yes, you need to compile Asterisk with PJPROJECT and LIBSRTP) :
cd ~
cd asterisk*
sudo ./configure --with-pjproject --with-ssl --with-srtp
make menuselect
Check that packages
, res_odbc
, res_http_websocket
, res_crypto
and chan_sip
are activated. This is a must have in order to use WebRTC over WS or WSS in Asterisk.make
sudo make install
sudo make config
## Recommended demo conf files with :
sudo make samples
cd ~
Activate WebSockets ans SecureWebSockets in
(file which manage the HTTP Apache Asterisk Web instance). If you use Asterisk Realtime (ODBC) then you will have to specify the file in each peer (Row dtlscertfile
& dtlsprivatekey
in table sippeers
). :enabled=yes;
Ensure that rights on folders are good : (replace AsteriskUser by the user running Asterisk Service)
sudo chown AsteriskUser. /var/run/asterisk
sudo chown -R AsteriskUser. /etc/asterisk
sudo chown -R AsteriskUser. /var/{lib,log,spool}/asterisk
sudo chown -R AsteriskUser. /usr/lib/asterisk
Create your WebRTC peers in sip.conf (duplicate to make another user) :
[1060] ; This will be WebRTC client
type=friend ;
username=1060 ; The Auth user for SIP.js
host=dynamic ; Allows any host to register
secret=password ; The SIP Password for SIP.js
encryption=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use encryption for this peer
avpf=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use AVPF for this peer
icesupport=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use ICE for this peer
context=default ; Tell Asterisk which context to use when this peer is dialing
directmedia=no ; Asterisk will relay media for this peer
transport=udp,ws,wss ; Asterisk will allow this peer to register on UDP or WebSockets
force_avp=yes ; Force Asterisk to use avp. Introduced in Asterisk 11.11
dtlsenable=yes ; Tell Asterisk to enable DTLS for this peer
dtlsverify=no ; Tell Asterisk to not verify your DTLS certs
dtlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS cert file is
dtlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS private key is
dtlssetup=actpass ; Tell Asterisk to use actpass SDP parameter when setting up DTLS
[1061] ; This will be the legacy SIP client
Edit extensions.conf to allow each peer to call :
exten => 1060,1,Dial(SIP/1060) ; Dialing 1060 will call the SIP client registered to 1060
exten => 1061,1,Dial(SIP/1061) ; Dialing 1061 will call the SIP client registered to 1061
Start Asterisk Service :
sudo service asterisk start
Open the required ports :
[Ubuntu] :
sudo ufw allow 5060 (or whatever port you have choosen in sip.conf `udpbindaddr=10.x.x.x:5060; tcpbindaddr=10.x.x.x:5060;tlsbindaddr=10.x.x.x:5061`)
sudo ufw allow 5061
sudo ufw allow 8088 (or whatever port you have choosen in http.conf : `bindport=8088`)
sudo ufw allow 8089 (or whatever port you have choosen in http.conf : `tlsbindaddr=10.x.x.x:8089`)
sudo ufw allow 10000:20000/udp (or whatever range you have choosen in rtp.conf : `rtpstart=10000; rtpend=20000`)
[or if you are on Debian] :
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5061 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8088 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8089 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
Restart (or start) the service :
sudo service asterisk restart
Test WebSockets from another machine : Install WSCAT with
sudo apt-get install wscat –y
## If error "connect ECONNREFUSED" it's not OK.
## If Echo service returns your messages, it's OK.
wscat -s echo -c ws://10.x.x.x:8088/ws
## The same command with WSS should work if you've installed WSS.
Test your SIP over WebSocket using a Javascript client such as JsSIP, sipML5, WebRTComm, ...
Access the SIP console using
sudo asterisk -vvvvvv -g -dddddd -r
to debug and trace.
To do the same with Asterisk 12, simply replace Asterisk-11 by Asterisk-12 in Asterisk install.
Here you'll find complete conf files for Asterisk 12 using Realtime, WS, WSS (ommitting ODBC conf). I post it because you may find usefull to check if some parameter is missing in your install :
; Asterisk Builtin mini-HTTP server
tlsenable=yes ; enable tls - default no.
tlsbindaddr=10.x.x.x:8089 ; address and port to bind to - default is bindaddr and port 8089.
tlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; path to the certificate file (*.pem) only.
tlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; path to private key file (*.pem) only.
extensions.conf (made for Realtime !!)
switch =>Realtime
modules.conf (made for Realtime !!!)
preload =>
preload =>
noload =>
load =>
noload =>
noload =>
extconfig.conf (made for Realtime !!!)
sippeers => odbc,YourAsteriskrealtimeDB,sippeers
sipusers => odbc,YourAsteriskrealtimeDB,sippeers
extensions => odbc,YourAsteriskrealtimeDB,extensions
ps_endpoints => odbc,YourAsteriskrealtimeDB,ps_endpoints
ps_auths => odbc,YourAsteriskrealtimeDB,ps_auths
astetcdir => /etc/asterisk
astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdbdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astkeydir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
astsbindir => /usr/sbin
verbose = 3;
debug = 3;
highpriority = yes ; Run realtime priority (same as -p at startup).
initcrypto = yes ; Initialize crypto keys (same as -i at startup).
; RTP Configuration
; SIP Configuration for Asterisk
context=default ; Default context for incoming calls. Defaults to 'default'
allowoverlap=no ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
realm=YourAsteriskREALM ; Realm for digest authentication
; defaults to "asterisk". If you set a system name in
; asterisk.conf, it defaults to that system name
; Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261
; Set this to your host name or domain name
udpbindaddr=10.x.x.x ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
; Optionally add a port number, (default is port 5060)
videosupport=yes ; Turn on support for SIP video. You need to turn this
; on in this section to get any video support at all.
; You can turn it off on a per peer basis if the general
; video support is enabled, but you can't enable it for
; one peer only without enabling in the general section.
; If you set videosupport to "always", then RTP ports will
; always be set up for video, even on clients that don't
; support it. This assists callfile-derived calls and
; certain transferred calls to use always use video when
; available. [yes|NO|always]
rtsavepath=yes ; If using dynamic realtime, store the path headers
send_diversion=no ; Default "yes" ; Asterisk normally sends Diversion headers with certain SIP
; invites to relay data about forwarded calls. If this option
; is disabled, Asterisk won't send Diversion headers unless
; they are added manually.
rtpkeepalive=2 ; Send keepalives in the RTP stream to keep NAT open (default is off - zero)(secs)
;--------------------------- SIP DEBUGGING ---------------------------------------------------
sipdebug = yes ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
; the moment the channel loads this configuration
icesupport = yes;
;----------------------------------------- REALTIME SUPPORT ------------------------
; For additional information on ARA, the Asterisk Realtime Architecture,
; please read
rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
; just like friends added from the config file only on a
; as-needed basis? (yes|no)
rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
; Default= no
rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
; If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers successfully, the ip address,
; the origination port, the registration period, and the username of
; the UA will be set to database via realtime.
; If not present, defaults to 'yes'. Note: realtime peers will
; probably not function across reloads in the way that you expect, if
; you turn this option off.
rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|<seconds>)
; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will
; vanish from the configuration until requested again. If set
; to an integer, friends expire within this number of seconds
; instead of the registration interval.
dtlsenable = yes ; Enable or disable DTLS-SRTP support
dtlsverify = no ; Verify that provided peer certificate and fingerprint are valid
dtlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Path to certificate file to present
dtlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Path to private key for certificate file
dtlssetup = actpass ; Whether we are willing to accept connections, connect to the other party, or both.
[basic-options](!) ; a template
[natted-phone](!,basic-options) ; another template inheriting basic-options
[public-phone](!,basic-options) ; another template inheriting basic-options
[my-codecs](!) ; a template for my preferred codecs
[ulaw-phone](!) ; and another one for ulaw-only
[1060] ; This will be WebRTC client
username=1060 ; The Auth user for SIP.js
host=dynamic ; Allows any host to register
secret=password ; The SIP Password for SIP.js
encryption=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use encryption for this peer
avpf=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use AVPF for this peer
icesupport=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use ICE for this peer
context=default ; Tell Asterisk which context to use when this peer is dialing
directmedia=no ; Asterisk will relay media for this peer
transport=udp,ws ; Asterisk will allow this peer to register on UDP or WebSockets
force_avp=yes ; Force Asterisk to use avp. Introduced in Asterisk 11.11
dtlsenable=yes ; Tell Asterisk to enable DTLS for this peer
dtlsverify=no ; Tell Asterisk to not verify your DTLS certs
dtlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS cert file is
dtlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS private key is
dtlssetup=actpass ; Tell Asterisk to use actpass SDP parameter when setting up DTLS
[1061] ; This will be the legacy SIP client
res_odbc.conf (only for Asterisk Realtime !!!!)
enabled => yes
dsn => your-asterisk-BD-connector-name-as-defined-in-file-odbcinst.ini
username => YourMySQLUser
password => YourMySQLPassword
pre-connect => yes
If you use Realtime, insert the following Generic Dialplan:
INSERT INTO `extensions` ( `context`, `exten`, `priority`, `app`, `appdata` ) VALUES ( 'default', '_X.', 1, 'Dial', 'SIP/${EXTEN}' );