Friday, 13 February 2015

Asterisk OPUS SDP tewak

By vm  |  04:27 No comments

Step by step :
1) Get the asterisk code (I am using svn checkout)
2) Get the opus libraries, compile and install (See opus homepage)
3) Get the asterisk-opus patch: git://
4) Patch asterisk according to the documentation in asterisk-opus
5) Run in the asterisk src-directory
6) Now edit <asterisk-src>/chan/chan_sip.c
Look for the following code and fix it like shown below: (remove the "/2") that's it!
/* Opus, pass parameters we care about (FIXME could this be 'fb' and not 'wb'?) */
        case AST_FORMAT_OPUS:
                ast_str_append(a_buf, 0, "a=maxptime:%d\r\n", 60);      /* FIXME */
7) do ./configure, make menuconfig, make, make install
8) edit your sip.conf to enable opus (according to the asterisk-opus do...)
Please let me know if that helped, thanks.

vm Author: vm

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