Tuesday, 7 October 2014

What is Asterisk sip.conf canreinvite option ?

By vm  |  02:33 No comments

In SIP, invites are used to set up calls and to redirect media. Any invite issued after the initial invite in the same dialog is referred to as a reinvite. For example, suppose two parties are exchanging media traffic. If one client goes on hold and Asterisk is configured to play Music on Hold (MoH), Asterisk will issue a reinvite to the secondary client, telling it to redirect its media stream toward the PBX. Asterisk is then able to stream music or an announcement to the on-hold client.

The primary client then issues an off-hold command in a reinvite to the PBX, which in turn issues a reinvite to the secondary party requesting that it redirect its media stream toward the primary party, thereby ending the on-hold music and reconnecting the clients.

Normally, when two endpoints set up a call they pass their media directly from one to the other. Asterisk generally breaks this rule by staying within the media path, allowing it to listen for digits dialed on the phone's keypad. This is necessary because if Asterisk cannot determine the call length, inaccurate billing can occur. Configuring canreinvite=no forces Asterisk to stay in the media path, not allowing RTP messages to be exchanged directly between the endpoints.

Asterisk will not issue a reinvite in any of the following situations:

If either of the clients is configured with canreinvite=no

If the clients cannot agree on a common set of codecs and Asterisk needs to perform codec conversion

If either of the clients is configured with nat=yes

If Asterisk needs to listen to Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) tones during the call (for transfers or any other features)

vm Author: vm

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