Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). In other word, OpenFire is free open source application used for building a chat server.
In this article we will use OpenFire to build a chat server on ubuntu. In this article I use:
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK)
- OpenFire
Please note that all the command invoked on terminal are using root privilege!
It is always a good choice to update and upgrade your system. To do so, do following:
Update / Install Latest JDK
We will use Oracle JDK instead of OpenJDK. First we need to uninstall OpenJDK (purge it!)
Once the purge complete, install Oracle JDK
The database used here is MySQL server. If you haven’t install it, you can invoke following command to install it.
Now, login to mysql
Next, create a database by these series of SQL command:
and then quit. Note that you can change the password identification for user openfire.
Installing OpenFire
Download the latest OpenFire package for Debian-based Linux. The latest version of OpenFire (per September 15th, 2013) is 3.8.2 which can be downloaded here.
Or, you can install it directly.
Now, replace java-6-sun with java-7-oracle (we have install java-7-oracle, right?)
Set Firewall
Now, set the firewall to allow packet traffic for ports used by openfire.
Now we will configure the OpenFire by web.
Open your browser and go to http://Your-IP:9090 where Your IP is your server IP.
Click continue until you reach setting for database connection (we omit other default setting). Choose Standard Database Connection. Now you will get a form. Fill the form with setting we use on previous sections. For example:
- Database Driver Presets = MySQL
- JDBC Driver Class = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- Database Url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbopenfire
- Username = openfire
- Password = <the password you set>
- Minimum connections = 5
- Maximum connections = 25
- Connection Timeout = 1.0 Days
On profile setting, choose default and click on continue.
Now set the administrator account. You pick the password by yourself, and should be different from database password.
The configuration is finished.