Wednesday 28 May 2014

Installation of Asterisk from Debian Package | Asterisk from Apt repository Installation | Asterisk from Package

By vm  |  03:13 No comments

Asterisk From Deb Package :

Asterisk can be installed from Ubuntu repositories too. Depending on the Ubuntu version, there are different versions of Asterisk available:
* lucid (10.04 LTS): Asterisk
* precise (12.04 LTS): Asterisk
* quantal (12.10): Asterisk
* raring (13.04): Asterisk
* saucy (13.10): Asterisk
* trusty (14.04 LTS): Asterisk 11.07.0
Probably would make sense to wait until April 2014, when the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) will be released to use one of the latest versions of Asterisk.
Asterisk package is in the official repository so the only thing needed to install it is to run this command in console:
sudo apt-get install asterisk
This will install asterisk and it’s dependencies. After all the packages are installed Asterisk is ready for use.
Start Asterisk CLI with (sudo or as root):
sudo asterisk -rvvvvvvv
Asterisk service can be controlled using the service utility:
sudo service asterisk command_here
All the available commands for Asterisk: startstopreloadrestartdebugextensions-reloadforce-reload,logger-reloadrestart-convenientstatus.
Configuration files are located into the /etc/asterisk directory.
This is all. Enjoy your new Asterisk PBX :)
                                                                      Source : Ubuntu-tricks

Author: vm

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