Wednesday 26 March 2014

How to Uninstall Opensips | How to Un-install opensips in Ubuntu

By vm  |  22:38 No comments

In many situation opensips users are facing un-installation problem if you are Downloaded
opensips and installed it from source then there is no un-installation script or code.
If your Installed as a package you can easily un-install it. but if you installed from source all
problem are come into the picture because once opensips installed it will create a Specific
file Structure. So it is very tough to un install but i found one solution for this problem.
Here is the Solution Just follow below steps to un-install opensips in any debian version.

Steps to un-Install Opensips :

step 1 : Goto Terminal and search for all files having opensip word you can locate or find

commands i'm using find command here.
find / -name opensip*

Then you need to wait for few minutes because there is more files with opensip name
Step 2 :After you got all the List you need to delete each and every file one by one using rm
command or if you got directories use rm -rf command.
i am showing two examples below but you will get more files ..
rm /usr/local/share/doc/opensips
rm -rf /usr/local/etc/opensips (because it is Folder)

Step 3 :After Deleting all files you got from above steps you are almost done with
un-installation but still you need to delete following files
These all files related to opensips you can also find them by following find command and
delete them one by one.

That's it you are Successfully Un-installed opensips.

Author: vm

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